It is undeniable – hard flooring is beautiful. But whether you are considering a renovation that includes a change in flooring or you’ve recently moved into a home with hardwood floors, you need to understand how to properly care for it in order for it to maintain its beauty.
Keep in mind that this may mean throwing out everything you think you know about cleaning floors! So many wood floors are damaged by cleaning them incorrectly or with the wrong products. But don’t let this stress you out – taking care of your floors can be easy.
Use a hardwood floor vacuum attachment
When it comes to vacuum attachments, they aren’t all created equal. Make sure whatever you are using is made specifically for hardwood floors. Some vacuum attachments can actually cause scratching on your floors which will make them harder to clean. Look for an attachment with a soft brush or felt, it will protect your floors and keep them looking beautiful.
Also pay attention to the wheels on your vacuum cleaner. Sometimes dirt gets trapped on the wheels and the pressure from the vacuum on that dirt can also scratch your floors. Make sure they are cleaned regularly.
Use a dry mop
Unlike tiles and other types of flooring, you shouldn’t use a traditional mop and water to clean the floor. Wood is porous and the water can absorb and damage the flooring. Instead of using a bucket and mop the way you probably have in the past, use a damp brush to maintain your polished look.
Many companies also make mopping cleaners for hardwood specifically. Usually you’ll spray a bit of solution from the bottle onto the floor and then wipe it up quickly with the mop.
Clean up Spills Quickly
Even if you and your family are extremely careful, water will end up on the floor. Make sure to clean it up as quickly as you can. Excessive amounts of water can cause wood flooring to buckle and warp – the last things you want to see. Some hardwood can even develop patches of discoloration from water.
Contact Central Mass Hardwood for Repairs
For some more tips on how to properly clean and maintain your floors, check out this blog. If you do accidentally damage your floors, or you move into a home that has damaged wood, you can count on Central Mass Hardwood for quality repair services. With more than 20 years experience, we’re the experts in hardwood floors and can provide refinishing and repair services for your hardwood floors if they have any damage from improper cleaning or care. Get in touch with up today to request a custom quote. Give us a call at (508) 460-0199 or fill out an online form.